File: Designing_sprites_NeoBITZ_Forum.txt - Tab length: 1 2 4 8 - Lines: on off - No wrap: on off

But how did you create the palettes x1.pal .. ?
Did you use a binary editor ?
In this case, how can i export the colors values to build this x1.pal ?

Done, thanks again.
But how did you do generate the 4 .pcx pictures from the original pcx ?
I'm searching on psp, but i just found a split channel effect, but i only obtain B&W pictures...

it's "easy",

use paintshop:
- load a picture and dec colors to 1+n*15 colors (mine is 60c + black), 1st color must be #000000 (black)
- save this picture as *.lbm (amiga) to convert palette from #ffffff to fff# (not visible and it's not import)
- reload it, - set colors 17-256 to black & save it to x1.pcx
- reload, now set 1-16 & 32-256 to black, dec colors to 16, inc to 255 (colors now reordered to 1-16, 1st should by black) and save it to x2.pcx
- reload, now set 1-31 & 47-256 to black, dec colors to 16, inc to 255 (colors now reordered to 1-16, 1st should by black) and save it to x3.pcx
- reload, now set 1-46 & 62-256 to black, dec colors to 16, inc to 255 (colors now reordered to 1-16, 1st should by black) and save it to x4.pcx
- ...

best paintprogramm for use with neogeo is dpaint in winuae (same 15bit-pallete).  

Actually, i cut a 320x208 pixel background in 260 tiles of 15 colors.
But i don't really know how i can put those tiles in the neogeo format.
I suppose your 4 pcx pictures are coded in the C rom ?

- i believe the neoscreen is 320x240 but with a black boarder of 8x8 fix-tiles so only 304x224 is visible. a picture with 304x224 is enough!

- take a look at gfx/###make.bat, i've used a small and free tool named TILENG (not by me/ cdoty?) to convert a 256color pcx-file (only first 16colors used). i've uploaded it...

- other sources you find here:

Actually, i'm trying to change the program for a 8 layers picture.
Can you help me just a little bit:
I have change the setup palette routine like this :


lea $400000, a0 ; no change
lea Palettes, a1
move.w #$8, d7 ; D7 = $8 (4 befor)

with this include files:


INCBIN "gfx\font.pal"
INCBIN "gfx\x1.pal"
INCBIN "gfx\x2.pal"
INCBIN "gfx\x3.pal"
INCBIN "gfx\x4.pal"
INCBIN "gfx\x5.pal"
INCBIN "gfx\x6.pal"
INCBIN "gfx\x7.pal"
INCBIN "gfx\x8.pal"


Is this correct ?

I add at the end of the main loop, 4 blocks of code like this one:

move.w #$8080, d0 ; starting sprite
move.w #8, d2 ; starting y_pos
move.w #0, d3 ; starting x_pos
jsr init_layer
move.w #$8080, d0 ; starting sprite

move.w #$2000, d2 ;
move.w #1024, d7 ; tile
move.w #5, d6 ; palette
add.w #1024, d7                  << to remove
jsr fill_layer

move.w #$80A0, d0 ; starting sprite
move.w #8, d2 ; starting y_pos
move.w #0, d3 ; starting x_pos
jsr init_layer
move.w #$80A0, d0 ; starting sprite

move.w #$2800, d2 ;
move.w #1280, d7 ; tile
move.w #6, d6 ; palette
add.w #768, d7                  << to remove
jsr fill_layer

And two other like this ^^
But the new 4 blocks doesn't work  
Any advice ?
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